

Twenty-five years ago the barriers to entry into business were much higher than they are today. If you didn’t have access to upfront capital, a formal business plan with 5 – 10 year pro-forma financials, and excellent credit, the likelihood that you’d be able to grow a successful business was pretty slim.

Things are different today. These days, you need little more than a digital device, access to the internet and a topic at which you’re considered an expert to grow a multi-six or seven figure business in just a few years – or at least that’s what the savvy internet marketers would have you to believe.

Now, don’t misunderstand me here. I believe that you can grow a thriving and successful business with the things mentioned above. I also believe that in the right environment, it can happen relatively quickly. However, I also believe the thing that holds a lot of new entrepreneurs back is their environment changes far too frequently. They are doing what TLC called ‘Chasing Waterfalls’.

When you’re new to online marketing, It’s hard to pin yourself down to a single philosophy or methodology for your business. This area of business is still relatively new turf and as such, there are new discoveries, new claims, and new gurus popping up every day. Each is teaching something different. It’s all too easy to find yourself changing your methods, your tone, or your message each time the direction of the wind changes.

I’ll share an example with you.

Guru #1 has 125 thousand followers on Instagram. She’s successful and shows you her “receipts” by giving you regular glimpses into her bank accounts. She believes that in order to grow a successful online business, Instagram is the only way to go. So, you, jump on the Instagram bandwagon.

Two weeks later, you run across Guru #2 who has built a similar business using only Facebook Live Streaming. You decide that your focus should now switch to this new platform. Meanwhile, you’re stuck somewhere around 2,000 followers on Facebook and Instagram combined.

Here’s another example.

Popular marketers are using some pretty cool sounding terminology in their messaging these days. Many coaches, for instance, are using terms like “mindset” and “resonate” a lot. Now, both of these are very nice terms, and they work well for some coaches. In fact, these coaches are pretty popular all across social media.

Your business hasn’t taken root yet and you’re trying to understand why. You think to yourself “It must be what I’m saying or how I’m saying it.” So you decide you will start using these terms too. You change your scripts and your online copy to reflect more of these key words. Unfortunately, your ideal client has no idea what you mean when you ask her “Does that ‘resonate’ with you”? or when you say “We’ll start by changing your ‘mindset’.”

But if you were to ask her “Does that feel good to you?” or say “We’ll start by changing how you think.”, she is totally comfortable and completely understands your message.

Let’s look at one more example.

Across every platform on social media, millennials are using the terms like “show your receipts” and “make these coins” when describing how to make money online. It’s quite funny to me to hear Baby Boomers or Gen X’ers trying to sound cool by using these terms in their copy or as they are live-streaming. I guess it’s perfectly fine if your ideal customer is a millennial, but if you’re mainly selling to other Gen X’ers or Baby Boomers, using terms like “Make Money” or “Profit” works even better, otherwise you risk seeming like you’re trying too hard to fit in.

I received an inbox after my last blog post went online. The sender was writing to thank me for using and defining the term ‘mojo’. She mentioned that ‘mindset’ just wasn’t clear to her, but when I defined it in terms that she understood, and the light bulb began to go off for her situation. That’s the reaction I’m going for. I’m not interested in sounding trendy. I’m interested in making a real connection with women who need what I offer.

So, like the words of the song, Waterfalls – “Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.” You don’t have to be fancy. You don’t have to change your approach or your tone, or your message simply because some new fad, term, or platform comes along. Stick to what works for you and your ideal client.  Your true tribe will feel and connect with your true vibe.

In my private Facebook community specifically for women entrepreneurs, The M.A.D. Money Society, we focus on what will really help you achieve your dreams. We keep it simple. No fancy talk. No flowery prose. We’re just a bunch of authentic dream-girls destined for success. If you’ve been looking for a community where you can just be yourself and hang out on the way to your dream life, come chill with us!

