
Woman in Airport Waiting Area


I recently spent an almost half a day in stuck in the airport while the plane I was scheduled to fly on had to have its hydraulic pump replaced.  While I’m all for safety, my flight that was scheduled to leave at 10:38am never left until much later.  Here are a few of the things that kept me busy while I waited:

1.       Write your next few blog posts – I finished 3.

2.       Visit the Newsstand – Read the covers and headlines of the current magazines/newspapers & stock up on snacks.

3.       Buy a day pass to the airport’s Business/In Flight Club – I was catered to like I was a member of the Royal Family of Zamunda.  My discounted day pass included complimentary beverages (including the adult versions), snacks, hi-speed internet, big screen TV’s, a conference room, and VERY comfy seating.  The attendants were super attentive to my every need.

4.       Chat with your fellow passengers – I think I learned a little about at least 10 different people.

5.       Cancel your meetings – I missed two important ones that day.

6.       Check in with your significant other – Mine was working but took the time to listen to me whine about being stuck each time I called.  He’s one of the good ones.

7.       Adjust your hotel reservations accordingly – I put in a request to be on the concierge floor upon my arrival.  After a day like this one, I deserve to live it up.

8.       Call the airline or bug the ticket agents incessantly – I had to take my frustrations out somehow!

9.       People watch – I found that I was quite interested in what kind of footwear travelers wear to the airport, mostly flip flops, but some pretty crazy high heels too!

10.   Visit each restaurant – Breakfast in one, lunch in another, dessert in yet another.  Definitely blew my diet on this day!

11.   Vow never to fly this airline again – Which I immediately realized was insincere because this is one of only 2 airlines that flies from your home city to your destination city!

And one more for good measure:

12.   Track the number of fully loaded, sold-out flights (same airline) that leave from your airport going to your destination city before the needed part arrives on an aircraft from the city you’re flying to!

One day remind me to tell you how hard I laughed when half way through the now very late flight, the pilot shares the bad news that there’s bad weather in our destination city, so we’re in a holding pattern!  You’ll love that one!

Kemberli Stephenson is The Profit Sherpa & works with rapid growth women entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches, authors, small business owners, entertainers, etc.  She helps those who are looking to impact their bottom line, increase profit margins and grow a successful business. Kemberli helps entrepreneurs rapidly increase profits by helping individuals and companies chart a course to the summit, discover their danger zones and blind spots, and develop and implement profit strategies that will grow as your organization grows.  Follow @Profit_Sherpa on Instagram for daily tips and motivation for entrepreneurs.