
“I should probably be using a coach in my business these days.”


How many times have you thought this to yourself, only to follow it with “But where do I begin to find the perfect coach for my business?” You know that you’re stuck. You know that you’ve read everything you could find on the interwebs. You always hear that all coaches need a coach, but you’ve also seen the horror stories.


You’ve seen the icky, high-pressure sales tactics some coaches use. You’ve seen some of your peers become disillusioned and disappointed after spending way more money than they could afford on the wrong coach. You cringe every time you hear another coach promise to take you from zero to six figures in 6 days. Ugh!


Girl!!! I hear you and I understand your frustration. I was where you are and I know just how scary, frustrating and irritating it can be to hear coaches tell you in their marketing that you need to get a coach today or your business will fail. How annoying it can be to hear “just hand over your credit card and let us take your business to the next level.” Easy-Peasy, right?


Wrong. Those overused sales tactics couldn’t be any further from the truth.


Because let’s be real, if picking the right coach is such a simple task, why do so many people have such a hard time with it? If it were so easy-peasy, why do so many entrepreneurs find themselves disappointed and overwhelmed with the process or worse yet, with the lack of results they achieve while working with their coach?


There are so many coaches to choose from. It seems like they’re everywhere! How do you make the right decision?


Well, today I want to share a few questions to ask yourself before you pick a coach. These questions will make the job of finding the right one much easier and help you get the results you and your business need.


Before you select a coach ask yourself:


#1 – Is now the right time for a coach? – Have you set specific goals you want your new coach help you achieve? It’s not your coach’s job to set goals for you or your business. That’s your job. Are you committed to stepping outside of your comfort zone? A great coach will challenge you, push you and help you see possibilities that might be uncomfortable to you. Be sure you’re ready to go the distance and to dig deeper than you have before in your business. Otherwise, you’re doing yourself and your business a disservice.


#2 – Do you know what type of coach you want to work with? – Identifying the exact type of coaching professional you need is essential to getting the results you most desire—as quickly as possible. So be sure to put careful thought into this question at this stage. Do you need a life coach, a business coach or an executive coach? Do you know the difference between them? Would your problem be best solved by a coach, a mentor or even a therapist perhaps? There are definite differences in approach and modalities for each. Do your research to understand who would serve your needs the best. And as you’re making your decision, consider the type of program offered. Would you make better progress in a 1:1 program, a group program, a course, or perhaps just reading a book on the subject would be enough to get you the results you desire.


#3 – Which type of coaching program would best suit your current needs? –  As you’re making your decision, consider the type of program offered by the coach. Would you make better progress in a 1:1 program where you’ll get lots of attention and accountability? This type of program comes at a premium. Would you fare well in a group program where you’ll save money, but get less direct attention? Do you get inspired by the idea of community which is often a bonus benefit of group programs. Perhaps a course or a great book on the subject would be enough to get you the results you desire. Lastly, consider joining a coach-led mastermind where you’ll get the advantage of working directly with the coach, connecting with other members of a small, yet elite, group, and also gaining support from those who may be a few steps ahead of you while being able to support them as well.


#4 – Do you have the budget for a coach right now? – Coaching is an investment, so be sure your finances are ready. Some entrepreneurs ignore the fact that their business profits cannot yet sustain coaching. They think that coaching is some sort of miracle pill that will create a miraculous increase in income that will justify their belief that the money will come. Belief, confidence and faith are great to have in your arsenal, but combining those traits with a practical plan will make your decision much more likely to succeed. The very best coaches offer an application process that will help them—and you—that you two will be a good fit. So, be sure to look for a coach who requires an application and discovery call before making a commitment. During your call, be prepared to ask questions that will help you with the answers you really need to make the best decision for you and your business.


After you’ve asked yourself and answered these questions, you will be much better positioned to pick the right coach. You’ll be able to find a coach whose programs meet your needs and whose coaching style matches your learning style.

If you’d like to learn more about my particular programs and coaching style, check my current service suite here: SparkHustleFlow Service Suite.


You can also check out my website for more educational posts like this one. You can find those here: http://KemberliStephenson.com.

And one last thing before you go, be sure to tell me about your experience searching for and (hopefully) finding your perfect coach down in the comments below. I’d love to hear all about it! Be profitable!



