
I get it. You’re out there working your buns off. You’re giving it your all. You’re doing everything you know to do to get your money life together – whether it’s building your business from scratch or climbing the corporate ladder or even a little of both. I’ve been there. I feel your struggle and I completely get what you’re going through.

You are ready to rock your destiny but there’s still that pesky little something that’s holding you back from reaching it. You’re wondering if you’ll ever truly figure out how to make your dreams come true. You desire to reach a level of financial security that will allow you to enjoy the fruits of all your labor, but this is hell-a-hard. You really just wish you could find your money mojo – like right now.

What do I mean? There are more than a few definitions for “mojo” floating around. When most people use the term, they’re referring to some magical power or a miraculous change of some sort.  Sometimes they even use it to refer to self-esteem or confidence. When I think of term “mojo”, I use it to mean that special way of dealing with your money or that certain charm you have when it comes to creating opportunities to grow, manage, or multiply it.

I talk to women about their money issues all the time and one of the biggest frustrations I hear is “I’m just not good with money!” I’m sure you’d agree this isn’t the feeling you want to have while launching or running a small business. In my business coaching sessions, online courses, MAD Money University and in The MAD Money Society Facebook Community, I spend a ton of time helping my entrepreneurial clients dig deep to understand why they feel this way. We work on breaking bad habits, releasing limiting beliefs about creating money and designing their new normal when it comes to handling the money opportunities that come their way. This is what I mean when I say “Money MOJO.”

I love what I do and after years of working in this area and releasing my book M.A.D. Money – Money After Divorce, Death or Disaster in 2016, I have a few secrets I can share with you and a list of steps you can take to get your money mojo back or to uncover the mojo you never even knew you had!

5 Secrets to Find Your Money MOJO

SECRET #1 – Improve your Money Mindset – Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. This was me when I first got divorced. I didn’t realize that many of the financial challenges I had faced during my marriage came about because of some deep-seated limiting beliefs I held. I had to get that under control pronto. I began reading and learning more about money. A piece of advice: never stop learning. You’re never too old, too experienced, or too smart to learn something new. The world is an ever changing place and new thought leaders are continually putting out valuable content via books, video, and other media. It’s up to you stay to stay on top of the changing financial landscape so you can remain a strong contender in the game of money.

SECRET #2 – Understand your Money Personality – Are you a peacock or an ostrich when it comes to your money? Are you flashy and showy or do you avoid dealing with your money issues by sticking your head in the sand? If you want to learn more about your money personality, I invite you to follow me on Instagram or Facebook. I frequently share valuable money related content with my tribe there. You can find me under @MsMADMoney on each platform. Another great way to learn more about your money personality is to join me in my upcoming A Woman & Her Wallet program. We’re releasing information on how you can join the program next week!

SECRET #3 – Establish a solid game plan – You won’t “accidentally” win at the game of money. You have to have a plan in place and know when to zig or when you should zag, when to invest and when sell. A part of your game plan is deciding how to use your resources. Invest your resources wisely. Money isn’t the only resource you have in your Money Mojo Tool Kit. Among others, you also have the resources of time and energy in your kit. You can do one of three things with your resources. You can waste them by using them unwisely. You can hoard them and watch them wither away due to inaction. Finally, you can invest them wisely and watch them grow. Which one will you choose?

SECRET #4 – Create multiple income streams – Counting on your day job to always be there for you is a recipe for being broke, busted and disgusted. There is no loyalty in corporate these days. Gone are the days of the “work for 30 years; get a pension and a gold watch” retirement plans. You have to create multiple income streams, including passive streams, if you ever expect to make progress on your journey to wealth. Creating multiple income streams makes it easier to leave a legacy. The point of financial security and even wealth is not to keep it all to yourself or to blow it as fast as you create it. The point of achieving wealth is to live a lifestyle that allows you to live out your calling and hopefully to leave the world a better place than it was when you came into it. Whether you choose to change the future for your family & heirs or if you choose to change the wider world, the point is to leave a lasting, positive legacy to show the world that you were a great citizen and a good steward of the resources you were privileged to have while you were here.

SECRET #5 – Re-calibrate regularly – It’s easy to get off track. Remember that plan I mentioned above? You should be checking it often to ensure that things are going as expected. Are you meeting your milestones? Are you ahead or falling short of your savings goals? Are you over-spending? Did your actual income meet the projections you set? All of these questions are crucial to help you reach the ultimate goal. If you’re off track, assess what’s going wrong and recalibrate or realign your activities to get back into the race!

Trust me, if you incorporate these 5 Money MOJO Secrets into your life, you will notice that you’re making progress.  As you begin to see the changes you seek and to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself, be sure to celebrate your successes. The key is to plan for your success and ensure that your celebrations don’t set you back. The way to do that is to plan in advance, save for large purchases, and allow yourself the room to enjoy your wins.

Before you know it, you’ll look around and realize that you too have that special charm when it comes to managing your money. You’ve created the financial environment to live the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming about.

You, my friend, will have found your Money MOJO!

Be sure to leave a comment with your question below. I’d love to chat with you and don’t forget to let me know what steps you’ve taken to find your Money MOJO!

