New clients often tell me that they struggle figuring out how to make it to a certain level in their business or how to reach the goals they have set for themselves and their business. They wonder how other people seemingly are getting it right and yet they struggle everyday to break into a market, to get new clients, or to start making their very first dollars in this business.
Does this sound like you? Do you look across social media and see people that are doing the damn thing and wonder why that can’t be you?
I want to share something with you today. It’s a simple piece of advice that has worked for people for hundreds of years but but a bit of a modern flair added to it.
Here it is. Find your lighthouse and sail towards it.
What do I mean by that?
Well for centuries, sailors have used lighthouses to guide them into ports around the world.  During storms, the dead of night, foggy weather, or any other situation where they’ve needed a little help in reaching their destination safely, they knew and still know they can count on the lighthouse to show them they are on track and the shoreline is closeby.
 Well, you can do that in your business too.
Here’s what I mean – identify someone who has reached the goals to which you aspire in your business. Once you’ve identified that person, employ what I call The Four T’s Method to help you reach your goals.
They are Track, Test, Trace, and Talk.
The first thing you should do once you’ve identified you at lighthouse is to track them. Find out where they are on social media. Follow them everywhere. Friend them on Facebook. Like their business page.  Follow them on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter,  and everywhere in between.  Subscribe to their blog.  Bookmark their website URL for easy access.  Any and everywhere you can find them – connect to them & track them.
Set up alerts in Google so when they post someplace or something is written about them, you get a message in your inbox alerting you to the post. So basically, I want you to cyber stalk them, but in a really professional way!
LOL don’t be creepy. (More on this later).
Test the person by purchasing their product, signing up for one of their services, downloading they are free opt-in, etc. Learn more about their style by indulging in the things they create or sell.  Decide whether you really like them and their work.
Are their products high quality?  Did that opt-in that you signed up for make a huge impact right away in your business?  Did their program give you the results that you expected?
Test them out. Validate them and their work. If they pass, keep following them. If not, start over from the beginning.
When a person is reported missing, the missing persons agency will put a ‘trace’ on them. They will dig into their comings and going. They will find out where they hang out. They will ask their friends about them. They will learn everything they can about the person to help figure out where the person might be.
You can do some of the same things with your lighthouse to a degree. Non-creepiness reminder here! How do you put a trace on them without being weird?
A great way to do this is to take a look at their blog or their Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter account. Check out their latest post, and then go all the way back to the beginning and check out the very first post. It may take some time to scroll that far, but it’s necessary to get an accurate understanding of the progress made. Take note of the time lapse between the earliest post and the last post. This will give you both a starting point and their current coordinates. Even more so, it will show you the growth they have experienced and how long it took them to get there.
Their latest post is probably far better than their first post. Doing this exercise will show you that greatness rarely happens overnight. You might find grammatical errors, style glitches, and even perhaps nonsensical verbiage in the earlier posts!  After you’ve had a chance to do this, sit back and think about yourself.  Ask yourself why your expectations for your growth are any different. Why do you hold yourself to the unrealistic expectation that you should just wake up one morning and be an expert at that thing that you just started doing?
If it took four years for your lighthouse to reach the level of expertise or for the quality of their output that you so admire, to be where it is today, why do you expect to be able to do it overnight? Think about it.
And finally…
Remember we talked about not being creepy, right?  Well here’s how you begin to interact with your beacon without being a jerk.
As you are following and absorbing her content, share those pieces of content that deeply resonate with you with your tribe.  Add some relevant commentary and tag the author. Retweet, refer to, and Regram appropriately. Comment, like and support your lighthouse regularly.
When you’re comfortable, try reaching out to her directly. Start with small talk. Mention a post that was particularly interesting to you. Thank her for sharing such great content and let her know how it’s impacted you in your business. Ask questions that further show your interest in what she’s saying and doing. Do it casually though.
Remember, we’re going for easy not sleazy here.
Before you know it, you’ll have developed a sound connection with your lighthouse and will know be able to spot her work any and everywhere.
When things are foggy for you, you’ll intuitively look to her.  When it seems too dark to find your way, your beacon will shine through that darkness and remind you of where it is you’re trying to go.
During the times when things are going great, you’ll know in the back of your mind that it’s been your lighthouse who’s been a big part of your success and who will help you stand the tests of time, weather, and anything else business may throw your way.
I have a gift for you. I’ve created a quick and easy 1-page .pdf to help you track your beacons. I want to see you be successful. I want to help you reach your goals. This sheet will show you the way to your lighthouse.  It will help you reach home port.  And it will help you stay focused so you can become that lighthouse for someone else.  You can download it here – Lighthouse Tracker
Do you have a beacon? Who’s that lighthouse that helps guide you towards your goals? I’d love to hear about her in the comments.
Kemberli Stephenson is The Prabout-kemberliofit Sherpa & works with emerging women entrepreneurs and small business owner and helps those who are looking to impact their bottom line, increase profit margins and grow a successful business. Kemberli empowers women, specifically women entrepreneurs, to be financially independent by teaching them to discover their danger zones and blind spots, and develop and implement profit strategies that will grow as their organizations grow.  Follow her @ProfitSherpa on all social media channels.