
Now, before you go getting all excited, my “Yes!” is probably not what you’re thinking. LOL

On the other hand (pun intended), can you believe it’s August already??

As we move further into the 2nd half of 2017, you might be thinking back on the resolutions you made way back at the beginning of the year.

Did you know that according to a recent US News study more than 80% of New Year’s Resolutions actually fail by mid-February?

I know, that’s crazy right? Mid-February! That’s 6 weeks into the year!

Just think, if 80% fail within 6 weeks, how many more do you think fail within 6-7 months?

Of the hundreds women I speak with, so many are ready to totally give up on their business goals by this time of year simply because they think if they haven’t kept their resolutions, it means they are failing as an entrepreneur.

Does this sound like the boat you’re in? It’s ok if it does, because the good news is that regardless of whether you’ve stuck to your resolutions up until now, you can choose to begin again.

You can definitely make the latter half of 2017, the better half of 2017!

You can move throughout the rest of this year with solid intentions and a renewed commitment to your plan.

I’ve decided there a few areas that I’m committed to conquering during the 2nd half of the year.

I’ve chosen 5 things that I’m saying YES to for the rest of 2017. They are:

  1. Yes to Imperfection – I’m notorious for being a perfectionist! I can’t even begin to tell you how many opportunities I’ve messed up because of my belief that things had to be “perfect” before I could move forward or roll out a new idea to my clients! So for the rest of 2017, I’m embracing imperfection to break the habits of procrastination and doubting myself and my potential.
  2. Yes to Concentration – As I was coming up in corporate America during the nineties, the buzz word was multi-tasking. If you couldn’t handle multiple projects or deal with multiple priorities simultaneously, you were considered a liability in the workplace. Do you know how many mistakes you make in finance when you’re trying to work in 5 different spreadsheets at the same time? LOL! So, for the remainder of 2017, I commit to not only focusing on a single task at a time, but also to niching down my ideal client audience to a super-concentrated and narrow circle. This will allow me to serve my clients better and dive deeper into their business growth challenges.
  3. Yes to Delegation – I’ve been a one woman show for as long as I’ve been in business. Outside of the occasional project based or one-off jobs on Fiverr, I haven’t had a regular virtual assistant in my business. That will change this year. So, if you know a great VA, I’d love to hear about her/him!
  4. Yes to Automation – Running your business manually is the quickest pathway to burn out! Posting on social media multiple times a day; manually adding new clients to a sales funnel; or even manually typing out your emails is the old-school way of running an online business. So from now on, it’s a huge YES to pre-planned, automated posts (but live engagement), automated sales funnels and voice to text applications. And then I can send to that new VA we talked about a second ago for editing! It’s going to be divine!
  5. Yes to Implementation – I’ll admit it. I’m a master-planner! I have dozens and dozens of notebooks filled with project plans that I’ve yet to implement? Why? Well that goes back to the first thing I mentioned on the list – perfectionism. As I kick the disease of perfectionism to the curb, you’ll begin to see a bunch more stuff from me – programs, masterclasses, live streams. They won’t be perfect (See #1), but I can promise you they will be authentic and honest.

And on that note, I have created a planner that I believe will help you identify and reach some of the money goals you have. It’s called the Money Mapping Workbook and it’s absolutely FREE for you download and use.

It’s 15 beautifully designed and colorful pages of prompts and guidance to help you map out your own pathway to prosperity. I love it and believe you will too. Be sure to grab your copy right HERE >>> Download Your Workbook Now



So there you have them – The Five Things I’m Saying YES to for the Rest of 2017. Do any of them connect with you? What are you saying YES to this year? I want to know. Be sure to leave me a comment below!