
Have you ever heard the phrase “Your Self-Worth determines your Net-Worth”? The more confidence you have in yourself and the more you believe in the value you bring to the world, the more successful you’ll be.


To become a successful entrepreneur, your confidence should be so strong that it oozes from your pores and permeates the very fiber of your being. If you ever watch the most successful and popular entrepreneurs of today, you’ll see that the biggest thing they have going for them is their rock solid confidence. So, if you want to build the multi-millionaire, platinum level confidence, the kind exhibited by the likes of Marie Forleo, Nicole Walters, Amy Porterfield, Sabrina Peterson, James Wedmore, or Daymond John, read on.


To help my clients who struggle with confidence, I teach them a concept I call The Confidence Formula. There are 3 components of the confidence formula that you need to know. In the next few minutes, I’ll share what each of them is, why you need it and how to create it in your business.



It takes courage to build a business. It takes courage to step out on faith so you can step into your destiny. It requires courage to try. Even if it means you might fail a few times before you succeed. Without courage, you won’t go after the long shot. Without courage, you won’t be able to hit the Go LIVE button so you can share your story with the people who need to hear it the most – your target audience. Without courage, instead of a mountain of awesome experiences, you end up with a bucket full of regrets.




In his book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell writes that it takes roughly 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field. Now I’m not suggesting that it will take you 10,000 hours to become a successful entrepreneur, but I am saying it will take practice. It will take focus. It will take consistent effort to reach your goals. If you want to make deep, real connections with your audience, you’ll need to consistently show up. If you expect to become a sought after coach or service provider in your industry, you’ll need to consistently hone your craft. If you want to build a thriving pipeline of new clients, you’ll have to consistently prime the pump so your pipeline is always free flowing and doesn’t become stagnant. Consistently doing the right things in your business breeds trust. It breeds growth. It breeds success.




Let’s take another look at those 10,000 hours it takes to become a master again. On the road to mastery you will undoubtedly reach a point where inexperience gives way to familiarity which in turn becomes competency. It might happen at hour 1,000 or hour 3,200. While you may not have mastered everything about it, you are relatively competent at it. At this point, you realize you’re on the right path and are performing adequately well. You may not be a master yet, and you still have a few missteps, but you can hold your own.


So there it is The Confidence Formula. Courage + Consistency + Competence = Confidence


It’s what I teach my clients. It’s what I use myself every single day.


I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs I know who struggle to build a successful business because they lack confidence. They’re so afraid of making the getting it wrong or making the wrong move, they stay stuck. They’re afraid of being & sharing their authentic selves with the world.


Instead of creating and sticking with a plan, they switch as often as the wind changes directions. Sometimes you see them, but more often you don’t. They change lanes fast & furiously.


They quit way too soon. They never give themselves the time needed to become competent. They second and third guess themselves the entire way. They give up just before they get really good at building their business.


If they would have only seen it through, success would have met them around the next corner. When they thought they were giving up because they weren’t good enough or because it was too hard, they were really giving up because they weren’t consistently doing the right things at the right time.


To sum it up, rock solid confidence comes from being willing to take strategic risks, not being afraid to fail and continually honing your craft so you become really good at what you do.


There you have it. My 3 part Confidence Rock Solid Confidence Building Formula. Which step was your favorite? Do you have a confidence formula of your own? I’d love to hear about it.

Drop a comment below to share it with us!


Until next time – Be Confident & Be Profitable!



