by Kemberli Stephenson | Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Productivity
“I should probably be using a coach in my business these days.” How many times have you thought this to yourself, only to follow it with “But where do I begin to find the perfect coach for my business?” You know that you’re stuck. You know that you’ve read...
by Kemberli Stephenson | Entrepreneurship, Productivity, Systems
As the end of summer approaches, vacations are being wrapped up, the kids are getting ready to go back to school, and women entrepreneurs everywhere are starting to focus more on their businesses. If you’re anything like me, just the thought of keeping all the balls...
by Kemberli Stephenson | Entrepreneurship, Productivity
A big struggle for many female entrepreneurs is productivity and time management. While I’m sure guys deal with time-management challenges as well, it seems as if you never really hear them complaining about it. Maybe it’s because we juggle so much and have so many...
by Kemberli Stephenson | Entrepreneurship, General, Operations, Productivity, Profit
You’ve been at it for a while now, but you’re not making the money like you thought you would be by now. You can’t seem to figure out why you’re not generating revenue. You wake up thinking about your business. You sneak in hours on the...
by Kemberli Stephenson | Entrepreneurship, General, Productivity
Change your Download folder! I don’t know about you but I download a ton of stuff (files, pictures, videos, documents, etc) to my computer while researching on the internet. Typically the downloads folder is a folder located on your hard drive. Because I use...