by Kemberli Stephenson | Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Productivity
“I should probably be using a coach in my business these days.” How many times have you thought this to yourself, only to follow it with “But where do I begin to find the perfect coach for my business?” You know that you’re stuck. You know that you’ve read...
by Kemberli Stephenson | Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Mindset
“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” – Marc Anthony If the opening quote sounds like the stuff Facebook memes are made of to you, you’re right. It is and undoubtedly it graces many office walls and whiteboards, as well. But...
by Kemberli Stephenson | Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Mindset
Have you ever heard the phrase “Your Self-Worth determines your Net-Worth”? The more confidence you have in yourself and the more you believe in the value you bring to the world, the more successful you’ll be. To become a successful entrepreneur, your...
by Kemberli Stephenson | Coaching, Mindset
There’s a misconception that many people hold on to, and it’s keeping them from sharing their expertise with the very people who need it most. Do you ever feel like you don’t know enough, you aren’t experienced enough, or that you need a “certification” to be a coach?...