
“Building a good customer experience doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by design.”

– Clare Muscutt

Is there such a thing as TOO much interaction when it comes to marketing to your audience?

When it comes to relationship marketing and building solid business relationships with your audience, consistent and frequent interaction is vitally important. 

Let’s compare three different scenarios and audiences.

Scenario #1: The long lost cousin/friend/former neighbor.

We all have them and usually, you hear from them once or twice a year in the form of a holiday card or quick call. While it’s nice that they reached out, communicating once a year doesn’t give you a chance to stay up to date with what’s happening with them. You feel disconnected and even like a stranger with those who you were once very close.

Scenario #2: Your roommate from college.

She lives out of state but you only hear from her when there’s drama in her life or she needs to vent about something. These are the people who are in touch more frequently than your cousin, but only when they need something – not because they have an interest in what is happening in your life. These are the ones that make it easy to just let the call go to voicemail.

Scenario #3: First-time college parent.

You know the one. The mom/dad who just dropped their oldest off to the freshman dorms and then proceeds to call/text several times daily just to check on “how things are going”. Did she get to class on time? How’s the food at the dining hall? Do you like your roommates? What do you mean your books cost $800? Do you want us to come to visit for Parents’ Weekend? This is the situation where the kid feels like she’s being stalked.

Now, let’s translate each of these real-life scenarios to a business situation.

Biz Scenario #1 – Business owners who never create or only use their email list to communicate with their audience once a year won’t create name recognition among their potential clients. They run the high risk of getting their emails deleted or marked as spam. 

Biz Scenario #2 – When you only use your social media accounts or email accounts to promote your services and programs, you come across as only interested in making money from your audience. It seems as if you don’t really care about what their followers need at that moment in time.

Biz Scenario #3 – Marketers and big box stores or companies who email every single day run the risk of annoying their audience and causing people to unsubscribe from their lists. The only exception here is BBW, well because who doesn’t love a great candle? 

All kidding aside, you have to really get to know your market to know how often you should interact with them in order to build a solid relationship. There are always exceptions to every rule, and even within the same industries, different businesses will experience different responses to their communications tactics. It depends on factors including your specific niche, your service level, and your own personality.

The bottom line is: Research your market, understand the pain points, and create a solution designed specifically for them.

I’m excited to share with you that this week, I’m sharing “Five Easy Ways to Build Relationships in your Business (Even if You’re New)” via Livestream in my FB group.

We’ll cover how to be social with your audience, what to share with them, and how to listen to the needs of your audience. And that’s just the start! 

We’ll also discuss authenticity, how to create a flattering image, how to set aside your fears, and how to live your brand every day. The FB group will be jumping and full of actionable training, and you get to ask all your questions throughout the entire week. 

Hope you’ll join us Click here to join >> Level Up-6+Figure Scaling for Bookkeepers FB Group!