
A big struggle for many female entrepreneurs is productivity and time management.

While I’m sure guys deal with time-management challenges as well, it seems as if you never really hear them complaining about it. Maybe it’s because we juggle so much and have so many competing priorities when it comes to work, family and life.

Perhaps it’s because we can tend to be more open, and sometimes more emotional, when it comes to talking about what we’re facing on a regular basis. Regardless, women are much more vocal about their struggles when it comes to getting things done.

In all my years of entrepreneurship and trying to balance that part of my life with working a full-time 9-5, raising my kids and having a social life, I still struggle to be productive on many days. I often look back over the previous day or week and wonder where the time went and why are all the goals I set for the week still not accomplished by Saturday night at 7pm.

Living this way is stressful to say the least. I knew I had to do something or I would always feel like I was stuck in a whirlpool of to-do’s with no chance of ever being pulled out.

I had to do something soon or I would sink to the bottom along with my business, my other projects and my pride.

Recently, I was introduced to a productivity technique that promised to not only increase my output but also my ability to focus for extended periods of time resulting in expanded impact, influence and income.

It’s called The Pomodoro Technique.

The technique is a way of working in short focused bursts of time separated by mini “rest periods.”

I fought the idea of implementing Pomodoro sessions into my regular work routine for over a year before finally giving in and trying it about three months ago.

The impact on my output has been incredible!

Now, in true Kemberli fashion, I modified the sessions to work with my introvert tendencies and I make sure to consider my busy work and school schedule. I only do long, full Pomodoro sessions on the weekends.

But from Monday – Friday, I start my day with a hyper-focus business session from 7am – 8am and spend 4/5 lunch breaks focused on school assignments.

Here are few specific tips that help me stay on track and that can help you too:

> Treat your productivity sessions just as you would a client meeting. Calendar them and protect your space as if you were on a call with a client. This means no distractions, no calls, no interruptions.

> Set boundaries with your family and colleagues. If you don’t set & keep your own expectations, nobody else will keep them either. I have a simple Do Not Disturb sign on my door just for when I’m in session.

> Plan your work and then work your plan. The time to figure out what you’ll be working on during your focus sessions is BEFORE you start them! Not once you hit the timer!

> Use the proper tools! Have your digital calendar and organized files already in place. Use tools like Trello or Asana to track your tasks. And download a simple timer app to help you stick to session limits.

> Don’t neglect your breaks! It’s easy to become so focused that you’ll want to skip breaks. Don’t do it! Breaks are necessary to give your brain a chance to relax and regroup. They’re also delightful for a quick trip to the kitchen or potty!

Remember, when it comes to being a successful entrepreneur – Purpose x Plan x Productivity = Profit!

Remember, your business is your baby and if you don’t focus on nurturing & growing it, your baby can not thrive!

It’s up to you. It’s your choice. Make it a good one.

How do you get into your focus zone? I can’t wait to hear about the techniques or tips that are working for you? Leave a comment with your faves!