
There’s a misconception that many people hold on to, and it’s keeping them from sharing their expertise with the very people who need it most.

Do you ever feel like you don’t know enough, you aren’t experienced enough, or that you need a “certification” to be a coach? While there are some (usually those selling the high-priced certification programs) who will tell you that all of that is true, it really isn’t.

The fact is, everyone, at every level of life and business can use the help of someone who has “been there and done that.” So even if you feel your experience is limited, you’re far ahead of someone who is just starting out or hasn’t even begun yet.

Not only that, but those “newbies” or even “intermediates” really will not benefit from hiring an advanced, elite coach – even if they have the money to spend. The techniques and strategies will be beyond their capabilities, simply because someone just starting out won’t have the background to understand more complex theories.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you’re a new online business owner. You know who your market is. You’ve created a digital product. It’s beautifully designed and ready to go, but you have no clue how to actually market it.

Would it make sense for you to hire a coach who helps plan million-dollar high-profile launches? You might think so (we all want a million-dollar launch, after all) but the fact is, you don’t yet have the infrastructure to pull it off, regardless of who  your coach might be. You don’t have a huge email list; you don’t have a ready list of influential JV partners; you don’t even have an affiliate program yet.

What you need right now is a coach who can help you build those things, and that coach might just be someone who was in your place just a year or two ago and has solved the problems you’re currently facing. You don’t need a $25,000 program or $12,000 VIP day for that.

As you can see – not everyone needs or wants the coach who knows everything. They are looking for support to help them achieve success. Your job is to help your client discover the right path to that success on step at a time. Your dream client is the one who can benefit from your expertise, right now, just the way you are. So don’t make the mistake of thinking you don’t know enough or have enough experience to be of value to someone else.

Remember this: Even a first grade student is an expert to a toddler. There is always someone working her way through where you were just a short time ago, and she’s the perfect client for you.

I work with new and emerging coaches just like you. In fact, I recently created a special place just for coaches who are just starting out and want to make their first $10,000 in business. It’s a cohort designed to help you connect with other coaches and get the resources & support you need to grow your business. It’s intimate. It’s specialized. And I created it with you in mind. I’d love to have you join me. Just hop over to The Confident Coach Cohort and click Join. I’ll see you there.

Be Proactive. Be Productive. Be Profitable.