In business, a big part of your success depends on the relationships that you develop. From referrals to recruiting to resources to recommendations, similar to personal relationships, there are levels to business relationships.
Some relationships are casual while others while others are formal. Some are ongoing and yet others are as needed. I’ve filtered top 4 types of relationships down to a single descriptive sentence for each.
1. The Run Buddy – You both run the same trail and find yourselves running at relatively the same time and pace. You see each other regularly and might even engage in idle chatter during your passings. Sometimes when you see her, you might fall into pace with her and hang out until the run is done. You’re nice enough to speak and smile, but you’re not really interested in finding out anything more about her. So you wave goodbye when you get to your turn off. It may take a few runs or more to realize that you haven’t seen her and say to yourself “Hey, I wonder whatever happened to the girl that used to run here.”- but that’s the extent that it goes. She’s a fleeting thought.
2. The Cocktails Companion – This is the business colleague whose main topics of conversation revolve around what big projects you’re working on. You know the one that always asks where you are speaking next, who your new clients are, or what new programs or courses you are working on. This is probably that colleague who is keeping score and track of what you’re doing in order to try and keep up or stay 3 steps ahead of you.
3. The Cup of Coffee Chum – The COCC is that person who you feel some level of alignment with and decide that you want to get to know a little better. Over the 30 minutes that it takes to drink a cup of java, you discuss how you came into the business, where you are trying to go and maybe how you hope to get there. You say you’re going to help each other with resources, but after the coffee date, you lose touch and don’t even follow up via email or message to keep connected.
4. The Cookout at Your House-Mate – Would you invite just anyone to a cookout at your house? Probably not, right? Well the Cookout at your House-Mate is that business colleague who you have spent time to get to know and really nurture the relationship. Perhaps you started off as cocktail companions or kept running into each other at Starbucks or networking events. Maybe you were in a mastermind together and really took a liking to their way of thinking. You established a level of trust and friendliness that opened you up to the idea of having them over for a cookout. You see at a cookout in the backyard, you can let your hair down; people get to see how you’re living; they get to see your kitchen; they get to know the other folks you hang out with. Are you a real laid back type of chick living in a light and airy environment or are you a little more formal and straight laced. Do you keep an immaculate home or is crap strewn everywhere? The answer really doesn’t matter. The point is that you’ve developed such a relationship with this person, you’re willing to let them in. You’re willing to open up enough to let them see who you are. Heck, this just might be someone who, over some burgers and hot dogs, you’re comfortable enough to foster a true collaborative partnership with.
We have all kinds of relationships and connections in this game called entrepreneurship. The key is know where each connection fits and what to expect and what not to expect from each type. I mean, you can’t expect to create a partnership with someone you happen to run across in the park this morning, can you?
Kemberli Stephenson is The Prabout-kemberliofit Sherpa & works with emerging women entrepreneurs and small business owner and helps those who are looking to impact their bottom line, increase profit margins and grow a successful business. Kemberli empowers women, specifically women entrepreneurs, to be financially independent by teaching them to discover their danger zones and blind spots, and develop and implement profit strategies that will grow as their organizations grow.  Follow her @ProfitSherpa on all social media channels.