 Note: I wrote this post last year as tax season was winding down and I was just starting to think about re-branding my business.  Oh what a difference a few months can make!
I’ve always thought of myself as a practical dreamer.  Despite spending the last 20+ years of my career in accounting roles, I’m not your everyday bean-counter.  While some finance people would find that moniker offensive, I don’t.  I do however think it’s a myopic take on many of the fine folks in my industry.  We’re not all calculators and spreadsheets.
Two of my biggest passions are entrepreneurship and women’s rights.  I believe that women have a far more challenging experience in most corporate settings and in starting, managing, and growing their own businesses.  I also know that there are some women who have been fortunate enough to break through and overcome some of the hurdles that we face in these arenas.  Lately, I’ve been thinking about how they do it.  How have those women been able to grab a hold of the good, the bad, the challenges, the disappointments, and the wins; squeeze them all together; and shake out any semblance of success?  What made her stand up, take charge, and move into the place where success resides?  I find myself wondering exactly what was the situation a person was in when she took the step, made the choice or took the leap of faith that catapulted her into her destiny.
I spend a lot of time thinking about my business and entrepreneurial goals.  I continually tweak, poke and prod myself on who I am as a business owner; what would really make me happy; and how I can serve my clients and have loads of fun doing it.  I often daydream about how great my life would be, if only….
If only what?
Oh you know.  If only I had gone straight to college instead of going into the military when I graduated high school.  If only I’d not gotten married so young.  If only I’d finished my degrees before I turned 40.  If only I was a CPA already.  If only I lived in a big city with more “opportunities”.  If only I had a spouse or partner to help me with the financial burdens of home ownership and sending my sons to college.  If only I were of a different race.  If only I was a guy.  If only I was born into a wealthy family. Or as I’ve heard it called – a WAM (White, Affluent, Male).
If only, if only, if only.
Well this morning as I lie in bed listening to the birds sing over the cacophony of the huge construction vehicles and equipment, I realized something: They sing ~ ANYWAY!!  The birds still sing even though the noise is deafening.  They sing even though the trees where they make their nests and care for their young are being bulldozed to make way for humans to have big beautiful houses with great decks, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a 2 car garage.  They sing and carry on DESPITE the challenges to their success.
And then… BOOM!!  Something else hit me!  I use the need for practicality, exactness and explicit understanding as a crutch, an excuse, as a hindrance!  Now listen, I’m great at conning myself.  For years, I’ve been really good at getting myself to believe some of the half-truths I’ve been spouting about me. I’ve always said that being practical and thorough was something to be proud of.  And it is, in some cases.  However, it’s not such a laudable trait when it’s used to stop me from going after my dreams. In this circumstance, having to know every detail down to the last penny actually derails me from exercising my faith and  my belief in myself and my ability to succeed.
Here’s the real dilemma though.  Now that I’ve identified my issue, I want to develop a plan to stop doing it. What’s wrong with me?  This thing that some call “analysis paralysis” is a serious weight to bear. Instead what I must do is what a dear friend always tells me to do.  I must take action.  There comes a point when a girl has to DECIDE that she’s done considering and move on to doing.
I could hardly wait for this year’s  tax season to officially be over, so I could really start working on my next project.  I’m forging new ground and moving into a somewhat new territory.  I’ve been trying to find a unique way to marry my passion with my formal education and experience, and I’ve finally decided to jump in.  And I’m so excited, I can barely contain myself.
BUT, I’m done striving for perfection.  I’m done looking for the last penny as is so necessary when an accountant reconciles her accounts.  As it stands today, my business plan is incomplete; I don’t have a fancy office space to take clients; my website isn’t started yet; but I’m DOING it in spite of all of that!  Until I have a sparkling new website, I’ll be using this blog to share my musings.  I hope you’ll come by and visit often.
Life and business are not the same as a bank account that needs to be tic & tied until it’s perfectly in balance.  This isn’t an after-the-fact remuneration of events nor is it a dress rehearsal before the show.  It is the Main Event and I’m ready to give the performance of a lifetime!
Kemberli Stephenson is The Profit Sherpa & works with rapid growth women entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches, authors, small business owners, entertainers, etc.  She helps those who are looking to impact their bottom line, increase profit margins and grow a successful business. Kemberli helps entrepreneurs rapidly increase profits by helping individuals and companies chart a course to the summit, discover their danger zones and blind spots, and develop and implement profit strategies that will grow as your organization grows.  Follow @Profit_Sherpa on Instagram for daily tips and motivation for entrepreneurs.