
If you’re anything like me, you’re getting pretty tired of hearing about the 6-Figure Myth. While I can certainly agree that making six figures or more in your business is really cool, really, really cool. However, it isn’t the Holy Grail that so many coaches, strategists, marketers or gurus claim it to be.

But I get it. Teaching people how they too can make 6-Figures and more is very appealing.

Here’s why:

  1. The cost of everything keeps going up and it’s harder to live the American Dream unless you have all the entrapments (iPhones, X-boxes, 2 cars, Jordans, the latest Gucci bag or LV luggage, etc.) to go with it.


  1. You’re tired of being broke and robbing Peter to pay Paul. Look, most of us fall somewhere in the 52% of Americans that make up the middle class. What that means is you go to a job that you either hate or bores you just so you can struggle to pay for all of the things I mentioned in #1.


  1. $100,000 is a nice round number that’s visually and audibly appealing. I mean, who wants to say “Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you knew how to make $63,892.14 a year?” That’s not fun!


  1. That 6-Figure number sounds like it’s just out of the reach of most folks working in corporate America. I mean, if I can make $60,000 working 8 hours a day for someone else, just imagine what I could make if I worked 12 hours a day for myself? Until we get the courage up to go all-in, we nearly kill ourselves trying to balance the full-time gig with our side hustle. 


  1. It sounds so easy to do! Like really – if a 9 year old can jump on YouTube and make a fortune; or a 5th grader can sell enough rubber-bands to cover summer-camp fees; or if these dang-on millennials can post a picture on Instagram and make a killing – why can’t you?


  1. It’s EVERYWHERE!! The more you see or hear something, the more your subconscious locks onto it and starts to think it’s what you want. It’s a marketer’s nirvana. All they have to do is get it in front of you 7 times, right?


Now before you wonder if I’m bitter, I’m not. LOL. I know what it feels like to make “Great Money”, but that’s my business, not yours. I’m just saying, I’m tired of watching people’s entrepreneurial dreams fall to the way-side or worse completely go up in smoke because they feel like a failure when they don’t make 6-Figures in 6 weeks like some folks would like them to believe is so simple that even a 5th grader can do it.  I’m suggesting that we shouldn’t only gauge business success by the revenue that’s generated. Unfortunately in only focusing on the dollars, most end up building another J-O-B for themselves instead of the creating the true freedom that they really crave.

In my next blog, I’ll share why you’re successful in your business long before you hit 6-Figures!

Am I alone? How do you feel when you hear the 6-Figure Myth? Tell me about it in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.